Course Syllabus

Welcome to Physics 7E!

In this course, we'll cover fluids, vibrations, waves, sound and light, building on what you've learned in Physics 7C and 7D.

Course Organization

To help you master the material, we'll use a variety of learning techniques:

Reading Assignments

We will be using University Physics (13th edition), by Young and Freedman.

A custom printing, including only the chapters we will cover in Physics 7E, is available from the UCI Bookstore.

There will be a short reading assignment due before each lecture. Many students think they can skip doing the reading ahead of time, and "work backwards", reading through the material when doing homework problems. This is a big mistake. By doing the reading ahead of time, you will come to lecture with a better idea of what you do and don't understand, and will be prepared to ask questions.

Pre-Lecture Questions

To encourage you to do the reading ahead of time, there will be a short, five-question assignment due online before the start of each lecture (except the first). These questions do not require actual problem-solving and can be done in a few minutes, even from a smartphone.

Lectures (including Lecture Participation with iClickers)

Lectures will include demonstrations and student participation with iClickers. You must bring an iClicker to lectures, and register it at the iClicker website (link in navigation bar at left).

I strongly encourage you to ask questions during lecture and to keep your mind on physics rather than social media or other distractions.

Lecture notes will be posted on Canvas; due to last-minute revisions, they may not be posted prior to lecture.

Tutorial Problems (Discussion Sections)

You will work on two practice problems in discussion section, one of which will be graded, but this is not a quiz. You are allowed (and encouraged) to work together, and are free to use your book or your notes, and to ask the TA questions. Use of the internet during discussion section is not allowed.

Three Strikes Rule: Attendance at your registered discussion section is mandatory. Missing three discussions will lower your final course grade by a partial letter grade (e.g. from B+ to B). Each additional absence will lower it by another full letter grade (e.g. from B to C). 

Homework Problems

MasteringPhysics homework problems will be assigned for each chapter, and due (online) by 7 am every Thursday.

The only way to learn Physics is by doing problems. I am well aware that solution keys for the homework are available on the internet. I strongly urge you to avoid them, because you learn nothing by using someone else's solution to a problem.

Homework problem scores between 90% and 100% are treated identically as "full credit". Thus, if you don't cheat and have to resubmit your answers once or twice due to minor mistakes, it won't lower your grade at all.

Optional Practice Problems

A large number of optional, ungraded practice problems are also provided on MasteringPhysics.

You can either use these selectively, to focus on specific areas where you feel shakey, or just do them all for additional practice.

Office Hours and Tutoring Center

I will hold office hours Wednesday from 9 - 10 in my office (3184 FRH). I am always happy to answer your questions after class, or by email. 

The Tutoring Center will be available for walk-in help on Monday - Thursday evenings; your TAs will send you their schedules, but you can drop in to ask a question anytime the center is open.


There will be a midterm exam in lecture on Friday, October 28, covering Chapters 12, 14 and 15.

The final exam is scheduled for Monday, December 5 from 8 - 10 am, and will be cumulative.

Course Grade

The course grade will be "curved" and based on your rank relative to other students rather than total points. The following weights will be used in determining your rank:

  • Pre-Lecture Questions: 5%
  • Lecture Participation (iClickers): 5%
  • Tutorial Problems (Discussion Section): 5%
  • Homework Problems: 10%
  • Midterm Exam: 35%
  • Final Exam: 40%

Typically the median will be approximately a B-/C+, and the top 15-20% of the class will receive an A or A-.

Course Policies

Enrollment Issues

The instructor and TA's cannot assist you with enrollment-related issues.

Please contact the Physics Student Affairs Office in 4109 FRH for all enrollment questions and problems.

Late Work/Make-ups

Pre-Lecture Questions can be completed after the deadline for reduced credit (-25% per hour, minimum 50% credit).

Homework Problems can be completed after the deadline for reduced credit (-2% per hour, minimum 50% credit).

Make-ups for in-class participation (iClicker) and exams will not be possible. Make-ups for tutorial problems in discussion section will not be allowed except in cases of late registration during the first two weeks of the quarter.

Accommodation of Disabilities

This course will follow university policy in accommodating persons with disabilities. Please contact the Disability Service Center for more information.

Academic Dishonesty

There will be zero tolerance for academic dishonesty. Academic integrity is a requirement for passing this course; any student not meeting that requirement will automatically fail the course with a grade of "F" and a report will be submitted to the Academic Integrity Administrative Office for possible disciplinary action.




Course Summary:

Date Details Due